Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Hello dear readers! On the occasion of Christmas and my never really user friendly website address, I have finally decided to take the jump. From now on, you can follow my foodie ramblings on the address above.
The blog is keeping its delicious looks, but the new setup will allow me to make all kinds of wonderfulicious trimmings. Just you wait 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!
Anyway, thanks a lot to Blogger for a great two and a half years of impeccable service.
Se y'all on the webthing.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Happy Birthday Rolls

- 3 decilitres of milk (any kind will do)
- 50 grams of fresh yeast
- 75 grams of butter, diced and almost room temperature
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. sugar
- 1 tsp. cardamom, powdered (the rolls won't taste like cardamom, but it gives a great taste base)
- 500 grams of regular wheat flour
- 1 egg, beaten together for glazing
1) Heat the milk in a saucepan until it's lukewarm (30-35 degrees Celcius). Then crumble the yeast into it and stir until it has dissolved completely. Add the butter and stir until it has melted. Add salt, sugar and cardamom, stir for a while and then add the flour bit by bit. Knead the dough until it has a soft, even and stretchy texture. Leave it in a bowl covered with a tea towel for 30 mins or until it has risen to twice its size. Remember to leave it somewhere with room temperature.
2) Take the dough from the bowl and knead the air our of it. If you're kind of nazi about having evenly sized rolls as I am, you can weigh the dough and divide the grams by the amount of rolls you wish to end up with. Then pull out lumps of dough and check that each of them has the chosen weight.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Pear Tart With a Lemon/Marzipan Filling

I love love looove making tarts. It's the most satisfying thing ever because they always end up looking so pretty and round and Mother Goosey. This one is a hybrid of two recipes with a twist of Heidi on top.
Pear Tart With a Lemon/Marzipan Filling
The tart shell is exactly the same as I used in the French Lemon Tart. Prepare the shell following that recipe, including pre-baking it. Then make the filling below, which is a recipe from a random marzipan manufacturer with an added twist inspired by Smitten Kitchen: A whole half lemon blended into the mixture to add a bit of tang to the rich flavour.
Lemon/Marzipan Filling
- 1/2 organic lemon with everything (apart from the seeds)
- 150 grams of marzipan, grated
- 100 grams of icing sugar
- 75 grams of butter, in small cubes
- 1 egg, beaten together
- 1/2 decilitre of cream
- 2 pears, sliced lengthwise
Monday, 2 November 2009
Danish Delights: Flødeboller
- 3 (pasteurized) egg whites
- 20 grams sugar
- 1/2 vanilla pod
- 15 raspberries, mashed (you can choose to remove the seeds by pressing them through a sieve first)
- 50 grams water
- 225 grams sugar
- 150 grams marzipan
- 20 grams chopped almonds
- 200 grams very dark chocolate, e.g. Lindt 85% cocoa which has a very nice acidity
- Place the tip of the piping bag on the middle of a marzipan circle.
- Hold it upright and squeeze out an even blob that goes almost to the edge of the base
- Stick the tip into the blob and squeeze some more, always lifting it slightly upwards as you go. This should result in layered "waves" of meringue that turn smaller as you reach the wanted height. Mine were about 7 cm tall. See above photo for details.
- When all of the bases have been topped with meringue, leave them to set for 30 mins.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Crispyfied Home Fries
- 8 regular sized potatoes
- 1/2 decilitre of rapeseed oil
- Salt, pepper and additional herbs of your own choice
Sunday, 25 October 2009
10 Minute Treat: Hot Espresso-Chocolate
All you need is:
- 2 espresso shots/small cups of strong coffee
- 2 cardamom capsules (optional)
- 2 decilitres of milk
- A splash of cream (optional)
- 40 grams of dark chocolate
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla sugar (optional)
- A pinch of salt
1) Make two espresso shots using an espresso jug as seen above or here. If you don't have any such thing, I suspect a strong cup of fresh coffee or maybe even Nescafé could do the trick. I use two tablespoons of espresso for two decilitres of water. Throw in two slightly squeezed cardamom capsules (as pictured in the tin on the left) with the coffee (or in the coffee grinder if you have one) and make the espresso.
2) While the coffee is boiling pour two decilitres of milk (add a tiny splash of cream for that extra feeling of luxury) into a saucepan, add a pinch of salt, the vanilla sugar and heat it slowly. Meanwhile chop up the chocolate and add it to the milk when it has started building tiny creamy bubbles at the edges of the saucepan. Stir it until the chocolate has dissolved completely but don't let it boil.
3) Pour the fresh coffee into a nice cup. Whisk or froth up the hot chocolate (I use my Bodum French press but a regular whisk will do too) and pour it into the coffee.
4) Serve the drink and enjoy the instant comfort og two pleasures in one: Espresso and hot chocolate. If you're feeling adventurous I can recommend adding a touch of chili to the chocolate. That really takes it to the next level. But still, it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to make this:
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Julie & Julia

(Our real life movie tickets, yup. Just so you know, I was in seat no. 7.)
Contrary to popular belief, I do, on occasion venture out of my kitchen. So last Sunday, I and my flour-dusted hair took T to the local movie theatre. Luckily we went to see Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. The two main characters Julie and Julia discover the eternal truth that cooking is the most rewarding pastime ever. Though I'm not a weeping fan, I think Streep was really great in the role of Julia Child, the saga queen of the cooking revolution in post war America and author of the cooking bible "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". Not that I knew her before I saw this movie, but she was a real character and it seems that Streep really nailed her, so to speak. There might just be an Oscar in it for her. As for Amy Adams, she plays a young blogger in post-9/11 New York who decides to cook her way through said bible in just one year. It was very eery that Hollywood had managed to churn out something that I could actually relate to to that extent. I mean, a woman around thirty starts a blog with the help of her lovely husband, writes about cooking and experiences its therapeutic forces on a daily basis. Hello! That's me! Only hang up I have was the very very annoying way Amy Adams' character Julie's husband chewed his food. I just couldn't watch it. His mouth was all over the place. I'm sure it was just actor Chris Messina's way of portraying that elusive experience of drool and yum in a manner befitting the movies. But me did not like. Anyway, it's a real heart warmer and that's not something I would usually be caught dead saying (as if that makes any sense at all). What are you still doing here? Go catch it before it's gone like the butter on Julia Child's frying pan.