Tuesday, 31 March 2009


As you might have noticed, Eye Candy is going through the changes. But instead of becoming barren, I and my new web editor T are trying to pimp it up to a blooming new blog. We can't wait to air the final results. One of the first changes is the name: The name Eye Candy and I sort of grew apart and instead I've started dating this college guy who's totally into French literature and can name at least eight famous painters and stuff. Anyway, from now on, this blog is called


which means "enjoy" or "may you enjoy this" and is something we Danes like to say before embarking on a great meal.

1 comment:

ekyale said...

Looking forward to the brand new design!

Hope, you've forgiven me the little joke from April Fool's Day...?! :-)

All best and Guten Appetit from Berlin-Neukölln,